Winston-Salem Misdemeanor Lawyer

Winston-Salem Misdemeanor Attorney

While not as serious as a felony charge, a misdemeanor charge in North Carolina does carry some significant weight and a conviction could mean supervised probation, high court fines and even an active jail sentence. Let the seasoned and skilled criminal law attorneys at The Law Offices of J. Scott Smith handle your misdemeanor case in Winston-Salem and the surrounding areas. Our attorneys are in court every day and have vast experience in handling misdemeanors in North Carolina.

At The Law Offices of J. Scott Smith, we are proud to have helped countless clients overcome their misdemeanor charges and we may be able to help you, too. We work quickly and efficiently with our clients to develop personalized defenses unique to the charges they face. Our experienced Winston-Salem misdemeanor lawyers have the experience necessary to strongly represent you both in and out of court.

What Is A Misdemeanor?

Misdemeanors are considered to be a “lesser” offense than a felony charge, but a misdemeanor still holds serious penalties and could leave you with life-altering consequences. Individuals who are convicted of misdemeanor crimes can find themselves facing jail time, probation, fines, and problems in their personal and professional lives.

Common misdemeanors in North Carolina include:

It is important to note that misdemeanors could always be elevated to felony offenses, and penalties and sentencing could be determined based on the classification of the misdemeanor or if you are a repeat offender. If you are facing criminal charges, call a Greensboro criminal defense attorney immediately.

Misdemeanor Classes And Sentencing In North Carolina

Misdemeanors in North Carolina are divided into four different classifications based on severity. The most serious misdemeanors are Class A1.

  • Class A1 misdemeanors carry a maximum sentence of 150 days in jail along with a fine (the Judge gets to decide how much).
  • Class 1 misdemeanors carry a maximum sentence of 120 days in jail with a fine (the Judge gets to decide how much).
  • Class 2 misdemeanors carry a maximum sentence of 60 days in jail and up to a $1000.00 fine.
  • Class 3 misdemeanors carry a maximum sentence of 20 days in jail and up to a $200.00 fine. However, “unless otherwise provided for a specific offense, the judgment for a person convicted of a Class 3 misdemeanor who has no more than three prior convictions shall consist only of a fine.” NCGS § 15A-1340.23(d) A more friendly grid representation is available.

A misdemeanor conviction in Winston-Salem, North Carolina can also carry a suspended sentence with supervised or unsupervised probation. Supervised probation requires the assignment of a probation officer and can expose the probationer to things like warrantless searches, drug tests, warrantless searches of the probationer’s home, restrictions on leaving the state and more.

Misdemeanors In North Carolina

Misdemeanors vary in their scope and some misdemeanor charges are just lesser versions of larger felonies. While not a complete list, here are some examples of the most commonly charged misdemeanors in our state.

  • DWI (driving while impaired)
  • Misdemeanor sex crimes (prostitution, sexual battery, etc.)
  • Misdemeanor assault (assault on a female, simple assault, etc.)
  • Misdemeanor drug crimes (possession of marijuana up to one and a half oz, possession of drug paraphernalia, etc.)
  • Misdemeanor probation violations
  • Misdemeanor domestic violence charges (violation of a protective order)
  • Misdemeanor traffic charges (driving while license revoked, careless and reckless, etc.)
  • Misdemeanor theft charges (shoplifting, larceny, etc.)
  • Misdemeanor weapons crimes (carry concealed without a permit, weapons on certain state property and in courthouses, etc.)
  • Misdemeanor white collar crimes (financial transaction card theft, blackmail, etc.)

North Carolina Misdemeanors And Bench Trials Versus Jury Trials

In North Carolina, a misdemeanor is tried in the District Court Division of Criminal Court. District Court trials are decided from the bench by a District Court Judge and not a jury. However, if you are unhappy with the outcome of your District Court bench trial and wish to have your case proceed to a jury, you may appeal the decision of the District Court within ten days of your bench trial to Superior Court and have a de novo jury trial in Superior Court.

Hire An Experienced Winston-Salem Misdemeanor Lawyer

At The Law Offices of J. Scott Smith, our attorneys are well aware of the consequences a misdemeanor conviction can have on your life. Our lawyers are trial lawyers that fight. We have a passion for justice and work with you to achieve the best possible outcome in your case. Contact us today for a free consultation regarding your misdemeanor charges in North Carolina.

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