Winston-Salem Homicide Lawyer

Winston-Salem Homicide Defense Attorney

The unthinkable has happened; someone you know has died under suspicious circumstances. This horrible situation has now become even more of a nightmare, as the police suspect you of being involved. Everyone close to the victim is a suspect, but you should never speak to the police without first consulting with an experienced criminal defense attorney on such grave matters. The police are looking for someone to blame, and if convicted, the result is as severe as life in prison or even the death penalty.

With the boom of true crime shows on television, you are aware that forensic evidence is a cornerstone of any investigation. While the prosecution may have their experts, you are entitled to a defense that will bring their experts to the court. With the experienced homicide attorneys at The Law Offices of J. Scott Smith, our legal team will gather the evidence, experts and defense needed to avoid someone’s unthinkable death becoming an unimaginable nightmare for your life.

Are you a person of interest in a homicide investigation? Contact us today.
DNA and forensic science have advanced leaps and bounds since the O.J. Simpson trial in the 90s. Not only is DNA examined, if available, but also other evidence, such as blood splatter, time of death, cause of death and other relevant information, is used by police to gather evidence to make a case. These cases are the most serious in North Carolina and require experts from many scientific fields, including medical examiners and other forensic experts, to offset the experts relied on by the state. There are myriad homicide cases in North Carolina, as set out below.

Homicide Crimes In North Carolina


  • First-degree murder
  • Second-degree murder
  • Murder of an unborn child


  • Voluntary manslaughter
  • Voluntary manslaughter of an unborn child
  • Involuntary manslaughter
  • Involuntary manslaughter of an unborn child

Death By Vehicle Is A Felony

Being charged with or even being a person of interest in a homicide investigation is something to be taken very seriously in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. If convicted, the maximum sentence for certain types of homicide, like murder, can mean a death sentence or life without the possibility of parole. Police usually always look to spouses and other friends or family close to the victim when investigating a homicide case. Everyone close to the victim is a suspect. Never speak to the police without first speaking to an experienced felony attorney in North Carolina.

Hire A Winston-Salem Homicide Lawyer

For the most serious charges in the state of North Carolina, you need a team of experienced lawyers, experts and jury professionals handling your case. These are not inexpensive cases to try, but the outcome of these kinds of cases can carry some of the most severe consequences in the state. Take the time to consider your options when consulting with attorneys in order to find a group that values your input and works hard on your case. If you’ve been charged with murder in Winston-Salem, the attorneys at The Law Offices of J. Scott Smith can help. Call us today at 336-992-3600 or visit our website for a free consultation.

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